JIHAD ( Holy War )
Q 1062: What is the rule
concerning the initiation of fighting {jihad ibtida'i} during the
occultation of the Infallible Imam (a.s)? Is it permissible for the
qualified Islamic jurist faqih} possessing state power (the Leader or wali
amr of Muslims) to order it? A: The opinion which affirms
the permissibility of such an order for the qualified Islamic jurist
administering the affairs of Muslims, when he believes that expediency
requires it; is not improbable. Rather it is the more well-founded {aqwa}
of the opinions. Q 1063: What is the rule
concerning one's duty towards the defense of Islam when it is felt to be
in danger, but the parents do not give consent? A: The obligatory defense of
Islam and Muslims does not depend upon the parents permission.
Nevertheless, it is good to try to obtain their consent when possible. Q 1064: Does the rule of the
dhimmis apply to Ahl al-Kitab who live in Islamic countries? A: As long as they obey the
rules and regulations of the Islamic government under which they live,
their rule will be the same as that of mu`ahids {those who have entered
into a peace treaty with Muslims}, as long as they do not anything
contrary to security. Q 1065: Is it permissible for
any Muslim to take possession of any kitabi or non-kitabi kafir, man or
woman, in a kafir country or in an Islamic one? A: It is not permissible. But
in case the kafirs attack Islamic lands, deciding the fate of the
prisoners of war lies within the competence of the Islamic ruler, and
Muslims as individual do not have such powers. Q 1066: If, supposedly, the
preservation of the genuine Muhammadan Islam depends on shedding the blood
of a person whose life is inviolate {muhtaram}, is it permissible for one
to commit such an act? A: According to Islamic law,
shedding the blood of a person whose life is inviolate, is forbidden and
contradicts the rules of the genuine Islam of Prophet Muhammad (s).
Therefore, it does not make sense to say that the preservation of the
genuine Muhammadan Islam depends on killing an innocent person. But if
what is meant is the mukallaf's commitment to jihad in the way of God, the
Almighty, and defence of the genuine Islam of Prophet Muhammad (s), in
conditions in which he may be killed, the cases differ. If the mukallaf
feels, on the basis of his judgment, that the very existence of Islam is
in danger, it will be wajib on him to rise for its defence, even if there
is fear of being killed.